Contact Us & Support
Support from Wendy
How do I contact Wendy?
There are several ways to contact the Wendy team:
For general company inquiries, please send us a note at
For app feedback, please send us a note at
For app support or help with your account, please send us a note at
Can other users see my content?
No one can see what you've made in the Wendy app unless you've shared something directly with a friend.
How do I connect with other users?
Every user of Wendy has a Friend Code. You can find your Friend Code in the bottom of the left-hand navigation of the home screen under your profile name.
You can share your Friend Code with any user of Wendy by telling them your code directly, or clicking on Share My Code in the Community section of the app.
How do I add a friend?
To add a friend, click on Community in the left-hand navigation and then Add Friend. Type in their friend code and wait for them to accept your request. A grown up is required to approve all connection requests.
How do I share my content with friends?
Once you've added friends in the app, you can share your content with them.
To share something, click on any content card and then click Share. You can select which friends you would like to share content with. Your friends can then use the characters or settings you send them in their own stories or read the story that you've shared.
Can I invite other people to use Wendy?
Of course! Wendy is available in the App Store. They don't need to have kids, just an iPad.
How do I delete my data?
If you would like to delete your Wendy account or any data associated with your account, please email
How does Wendy use my data?
We only use your personal data to contact you. We only use your in-app action data for the purposes of improving app functionality.
How can I read the Terms of Service?
Here's a link to our Terms of Service.
How can I read the Privacy Policy?
Here's a link to our Privacy Policy.
How do I reset my Parent Pin code?
To reset your Parent Pin click on settings in the app. If you have forgotten your Pin, there's a link on the Pin modal to reset.
How do I reset my Password?
You can reset your password on the initial app login screen. You'll receive a reset email. The email will not come from Wendy, but from Auth0. This is our secure login and password manager.
How do I share feedback with Wendy?
If you want to share feedback, recommendations or concerns with the Wendy team, please reach out to
In the Setting section of the app, there is a place for you to share feedback directly with the team as well.
How can I put my own names and ideas into the stories, characters and settings I make in Wendy?
We want to make Wendy as safe as possible for you. Limiting our selections in the creation process allows us to make sure nothing gets into the app that doesn't belong. For now, we don't allow for open-ended customization of stories or characters.
How do I add selections I don’t see in the app?
We want to make Wendy as safe as possible for you. Limiting our selections in the creation process allows us to make sure nothing gets into the app that doesn't belong. We also want your ideas to become a part of Wendy too. After you recreate a story, there is a feedback opportunity in the app for you to share selections you would like to see. You can also send us an email at with your requests and we will add them to our database of choices.